Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hiking up the mountain take 2

This morning the volunteers went hiking up the mountain. It was very strenuous but we all made it and we were all very proud of our recent 70 year old lady who came along for the walk.

The hike was only 2.5 miles but the vertical height we climb was 1500 feet. It was hard on the back of the legs and we had to stop several times to enjoy the view and take pictures.

The view behind us was also breath taking. The Ocean is so vast and the boats seem so small and the game was to see if we could see any whales surfacing.

The trail was well marked and their were signs along the way not to get off the trail.

At the top we had a little lunch and a well deserved rest.

The view was majestic. I should of taken more pictures.

The hike back was considerable easier but you had to watch your step because it was slippery in spots.
At the bottom not far from our cars was a prayer healing spot the local people have made. It looks out over most of the valley and the ocean. It had a stone wall around the area with the most beautiful flowers I've seen in my life.

It was a very enjoyable day. We loaded up and headed down the mountain to "Crusty Tasty"  restaurant for a brunch. The locals and the returning volunteers sure know were the good food is.

Hiking up the mountain

Today the volinteers got into 2 vans and left early to hike up a mountain. The hike is only 2.5 miles but you climb over 1500 feet in that distance. It was difficult for all of us especially our birthday girl who turned 70 years old this past week. She made it and so did the rest of us.
After the first .5 of a mile we stopped for a rest.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Enjoying getting back into shape

There is no reason why I shouldn't get into better shape here at Haggai and on this beautiful island of Maui. The facilities come with a first class gym. I do like working out and each machine comes with very good instructions how to use it.

But it is hard to stay in shape when for a very good reason like celebrating a 70th. birthday of a volunteer by having a barbecue and birthday cake.

The couple above are from Germany as volunteers. He looks after the pool that you see in the background.

Another place that makes it hard to stay in shape is the nightly delicious dinners that are prepared for us.

I thought that a good bike ride might help me get in shape but the tour proved to be the easiest bike ride I ever took. 

I got up early this morning (2:00 a.m.) to be in Paia by 3:30 to join up with 3 other couples who would ride a 26 mile ride down the mountain. We are taken up the mountain in a 15 setter Van that carries our bikes on the roof. Once up there we watched the sun rise.

I got a few pictures of the crater that is suppose to be the size of Manhattan.

In amongst the rock there are some very different vegetation.

On the way down the mountain by bike I found an old church that was built in 1918 in memory of the riches man on the island. It was told to me that he owns most of the land on the island and that 90% of the hotels have to pay a royalty to his estate to have been able to operate on this island. The national park at the top of the mountain was taken from him with the agreement that all the beef that this rancher can raise will be bought for the U.S.A. military. That deal has been going on since Vet Nam.

Well, eating all that good food and riding bikes down a mountain instead of up. I don't think I'll be getting into shape very easy.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Regional Presentations

Presentation of the Country of Africa

The other participants and volunteers are there to watch. 
The participants are require to work together to present a presentation of their home lands that  would tell a little of their people and the need for the Gospel. We as volunteers are welcome to go and see these presentations and let them educate us about the church in different countries. I went to one yesterday and the countries that were presented were Russia, Kirghistan and Africa.

They brought some of their countries traditional colourful dress. They would tell us about the country and their difficulties in getting the Gospel out to the people. Then they would tell us of successes and show us a dance and sing a song of praise.

Song and Dance of Praise

After the presentation there was time for questions and answers. Then a ministry time where many of the other participants and volunteers got to go up to the front and pray for them with the laying on of hands. Several prayed in a soft voice in their own language while one person prayed with the help of the mic. in English. I was overwhelmed to tears to be part of this prayer time and at the end I went to my room and continued to pray.

Skit about witnessing in Kirghistan

Question and Answer

Very witty answer.

 Those representing Russia asked if we would pray for a revival for the Orthodox church and for a unified effort of all the churches to evangelize the nation.

Those representing Kirghistan asked that now with their new open door policies to attract the rest of the world to come and do business with them that the Gospel will come too.

Those in Africa asked that the powers of darkness and witchcraft be bound by the power of Jesus Blood and Resurrection and that the Spirit of God would cover their land.

I need to learn how to pray for the nations.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

High Quality of Facilitators

The participants at Haggai-Institute are fortunate to have some of the highest quality of teachers you can find.

 They are called facilitators and they come from the different developing countries with many degrees and experiences that  enhances the participants learning.
For example Vera is a judge from an African country. She studied law and has moved up as an exceptional Judge and has been in this position for over 10 years. Her law practice was over another 10 years and she only looks like she's 30. She also has a degree in Theology and is a pastor along with her husband who too is a Lawyer. Her subject that she teaches is called "Disciplines". She teaches the lady participants the disciplines of a Christian Life.
Prayer, Bible Reading, Spiritual walk with God, Christian Wife and family Life, and how to be an example for Christ in an everyday work situation. She was a real joy to visit with and one of the participants listening in on our conversation said that it was a real treat to listen to two pastors converse about the christian life and the Bible.

My second week has been hard since they asked me to go on night watch from 10-6. Getting sleep through the day was a problem but by the time the week is finished, I will be adjusted to it, just in time for me to go back on a regular work schedule. I really enjoy the fellowship with the other volunteers so I am eager to get back to working with them.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Beautiful Place - Paradise

Haggai- Institute is a very beautiful place to be. It was a resort that went bankrupt in 1997 and due to a Godly Vision and generous givers the facilities now is used to teach advance leadership skills to Christian Leaders from around the world.

There is a lot of work keeping the facilities clean and nice. The cleaning is ongoing and never seems to end. This past Thurs. we had a very unusual 7-8 inches of rain fall in one night and the day was one of mopping and cleaning in the basement and the 1st. ground floor. It was rather easy but the clean up the city had after the roads were turned into rivers is very difficult. We had our fish pond fill up but we didn't loose any fish just a frog which only made a mess laying eggs anyway.
Sunday is very quiet here. Many of us go to church at 8:00 a.m. which leaves a good part of the day for rest and relaxation. Some use the time for touring the island. Others go to the beach and yet others have a well deserved rest by the pool. 

I'm looking forward to Sandy coming in February to share some of the beauty of this island and of the ministry here.
Let me tell you of one women who stayed a whole hour after supper quietly waiting to get my attention. She asked me in broken English if my church back in Canada prays for other countries. I said yes to that question. Then with a plea from the hearts and tears running down her check she ask me if my church would pray for Thailand. The resent political problems have got out of hand and their is rioting and looting and killing going on nightly. I have never witnessed a more passionate person in love for her country than this lady. I went to my room and prayed too with tears for Thailand and for the lost in Canada too.