The turn over from Ladies session to men's is quite quick and even some overlap. It was a nice farewell to a number of the ladies and many of them left little gifts to remember them by. We need to pray that God will help them in their home land to keep up with their God given goals and objectives that they developed here at Haggai.
Now the men have arrived and what a difference it is to see approx. 50 men come for advance training in leadership for evangelism and discipleship.
I was taken back and excited to hear from an Indonesian man that he was a captain of a cargo ship. He has many different men work on his ship from the far east countries. He is here to be trained and to plan a way to evangelise and disciple his crew while out to sea because there is a lot of down time work wise when they are at sea or even waiting at ports.
Here are some other men I had supper with last night. From India, pastors and city administers, and from Malaysia and Russia. There are several pastors here and I'm glad to hit it off with them so early. I'll be able to talk with them about their view of the church in their countries. They are full of questions for me about the church in Canada.
Being on night watch has given me an extra day for touring this beautiful island. so I've learn their bus system and for only 2 dollars you can get an all day pass and travel the bus as often as you wish. Last Saturday I went to Lahania the oldest and once the capital of Maui.
The town is filled with shops designed to trap tourist. The cruise ship was in the bay and over 2,000 people came ashore to shop. I really liked the numerous art galleries and the unique differences in art being displayed. I plan to return with Sandy because she will like it too.
I ate lunch on a balcony overlooking the marina. Most the boats are docked in the water some distance away from shore.
A very expensive lunch.
The food was good and it was ribs.
I'm sure that part of the price goes for the view
Every one talks about the beautiful and yet quick sunsets in Hawaii. They are telling us the truth.
The sunset only took 3 minutes. I timed it.
At Lahana the oldest and largest tree that exists on the island. Tourist can bring a picnic to eat under the tree. I'm sure a 1,000 people could fit under this one tree.